Filter_var number
Filtre une variable avec un filtre spécifique refsect1-function. The output of the code will be:string(5) 5-2+3php_ref_filter. The docs say about the sanitation one: remove all characters except digits, plus and minus sign.
This code generates SQL depending on semantic type of variable from user input. The actual filtering of variables is done with the filter_var() function.
In short, if you allow decimal places, the sanitizer allows any number of decimal points, not just one, and it returns an un-sanitary float. In order to try and make validation a little bit easier, from PHP 5.
PHP versions 5.2 and greater include afunction that takes this complexity away and makes it easier to filter things like e-mail addresses and URLs (among other things). Filter_var function in php is a very useful built-in tool for server side form validation, but there is a minor problem when