Filter_var email
Filters a variable with a specified filter refsect1-function. Email validation with filter_var() can produce different results with different versions of PHP. In this php scriptfilter function is used for sanitization and validation.
The actual filtering of variables is done with the filter_var() function. URL and IP address using their respective PHP validation function. This code generates SQL depending on semantic type of variable from user input. The function is to be used to check or filter user input against a range of different criteria. Email validation is something that is needed in a variety of situations, but I’ve always struggled to find a good one….
There is a safe workaround for the FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL bug when it is using strlen() before filter_var(). Nehmen wir einmal an, wir möchten prüfen, ob eine Variable () eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse beinhalte