Montag, 26. Januar 2015

Pumped up kicks lyrics german

Pumped up kicks lyrics german

Lied nicht einmal auf Deutsch liest, der wird es immer falsch singen. Lyrics geht es um einen Jungen, der aus dem Schrank seines Vaters eine Waffe entnimmt und sich einen Amoklauf dazu vorstellt. Pumped Up Kicks (by Foster the People) become the official anthem of hipsters?

Play Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People on any electric guitar. Pumped Up Kicks has moved the band from a Hype Machine darling to a sold-out tour and larger stages at festivals.

A song where the music itself makes you feel one way, but the lyrics make you feel something contradictory. I think she was thinking that it was originally in German and that it lost something in translation.

People in the clip for his new single, Pumped Up Kicks (Like Me). For Foster the People, “Pumped Up Kicks” has no doubt been a blessing and a curse. All the other kids with their pumped up kicks better run, better run faster then my gun. Nena makes it on the playlist, best go with the German version.

The peppy melody and German language cover up the more serious topic of a nuclear war started by trigger-happy generals. Lately, I kind of like this song because the lyrics are about outrunning something. Pumped Up Kicks is probably the best example I can think ofHey Ya from Outkast.

What most people think it’s about: A fun, patriotic ode to the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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