Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Gstreamer filter element

Gstreamer filter element

By now, you should be able to create basic filter elements that can receive and send data. But by the end of this part of the guide, you will learn to add some more interesting functionality, including properties and signal handlers. Note: if a link to an element or plugin is missing, this means theelement is not documented yet. GStreamer, how to compile and make so it goes into the right folder, where Gstreamer looks for it and also gives a template for an empty plugin, where to start programming.

The caps filter is also used to select a specific pixel format. To verify that GStreamer can find the plugin, run gst-inspect-1. GStreamer elements.

A GStreamer plugin is a DLL on Windows or DSO on Linux. GStreamer has a simple feature to enable tracing, allowing the developer to do basic debugging. Dialog pops up and then searches forGStreamer element ffdeinterlace.

I implement a basic GStreamer element which allows you to apply a filter to video in a GStreamer pipeline using Gegl. This very simple example demonstrates how to use the tee element in Gstreamer, by outputting a video stream from a v4l2src to two xvimagesinks. That is, pipelines in which elements are relinked while the pipeline is playing and without stopping the pipeline. GStreamer accomplishes its magic using a plugin model where hundreds of software modules in the database accessed by developers are configured with APIs that allow them to be slotted into the framework with the click of a mouse. To get a list of elements that can go in a GStreamer pipeline, do:gst-inspect-1.

The core concept in GStreamer is thatof a pipeline system which your media streams through.

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